(The Webmaster understands that this is a delicate subject and is
not responsible for misleading information found on this page.
All information obtained is via fellow alumni's e-mail and word of mouth.
If you see incorrect information contact jchsalumni@comcast.net
1960 - Joyce Bell
1960 - Linda Ervin
1960 - Carol Franklin
1960 - George Gaston
1960 - Phyllis Rion Harris
1960 - Gene Haugen
1960 - Elaina Heskett
1960 - Richard Hill
1960 - Christie Hudspeth
1960 - Terry Hurst
1960 - Ed (Skip) Irwin
1960 - Ernie Maduros
1960 - William Malstead
1960 - Hannu Matti Marttinen
1960 - Bruce Oppenlander
1960 - James Parr
1960 - Judy Ratts
1960 - Jack Strand
1960 - Tom Upshaw
1960 - Michael Walker
1960 - Loren Ward
1960 - George Warner
1960 - Myrna Blanka Weis
1960 - Gary Westover
1960 - Frank Ziegler
1961 - Russell Johnson
1961 Alta Shackelford -Lung Cancer
1962 - Linda Armstrong Irwin
1964 - Austin Osborn - 1983 - Heart Attack
1966 - Robin Koonce Mitchell - 2001- Epileptic Seizure