(The Webmaster understands that this is a delicate subject and is
not responsible for misleading information found on this page.
All information obtained is via fellow alumni's e-mail and word of mouth.
If you see incorrect information contact jchsalumni@att.net
1959 - Vesa Alakulppi
1959 - Rod Athey
1959 - Steve Brown
1959 - Leon Chaves
1959 - Nellie Daniels
1959 - Max Evans
1959 - Virgil Gaunt
1959 - Ann Harper
1959 - Leonard Harrison
1959 - Claude Heidenreich
1959 - Gary Houserman
1959 - Leonard Harrison
1959 - John Kern
1959 - James Lovelady
1959 - Donald Marston
1959 - Donald Miller
1959 - Tom McConnaughey
1959 - William McDonald
1959 - Pat McRory
1959 - Peggy Stiffler
1959 - Pat Stoll
1959 - Dennis Talley
1959 - Marjorie Wilburn
1959 - James Wooldridge